ROCHFORD & District Swimming Club
ONE of the leading Swimming Club in SE Essex - We are affiliated to Swim England - Eastern Region
Select to download Code of Conduct
This code is something that you as an athlete should refer to in relation to your rights as an athlete, the respect you should expect but also that which you demonstrate to other members, what is expected of you in terms of listening and being listened to and your behaviour as a member of the club.
As a member of our club, you have the right to:
- Feel safe and know how you can raise concerns.
- Be listened to.
- Be involved and contribute towards decisions within the club or activity.
- Be respected and be treated fairly by every member of the club.
- Feel welcomed, valued and not judged based on your race, gender, sexuality, faith, ability or any other relevant characteristic.
- Be encouraged and developed with our help and support.
- Be looked after if there’s an accident or injury and have your emergency contact / next of kin informed, where appropriate.
As a member of our club we expect you to:
- Be aware of Wavepower and adhere to relevant guidance.
- Adhere to the Swim England regulations, Code of Ethics, Club Constitution and rules.
- Respect your coach or teacher, behave responsibly and speak out when something isn’t right.
- Let someone know if you are leaving the premises (at either training or a competition). This is just as important for our adult members as well as those under 18 to know that you are safe at all times.
- Let someone know if you are running late, particularly at a competition where it may impact on other members.
- Let someone know if you have any difficulties attending training or competitions.
- Support and encourage your teammates.
- Respect volunteers and competitors at competitions.
- Respect the committee members, coaching and teaching team and volunteer helpers at all times.
- Get involved in club decisions, it’s your sport too!
We expect certain standards of behaviour from our members. By becoming a member of the club and therefore agreeing to this Code of Conduct you agree to:
- Follow the rules of the club, squad or activity at all times.
- Respect and celebrate differences in the club and you will not discriminate against anyone else on the grounds of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, faith, ability or any other relevant characteristic.
- Understand that the use of abusive or inappropriate language, bullying, physical violence or any other behaviour which hurts others will not be tolerated by the club.
- Respect the privacy of others especially in the changing rooms.
- Not use any mobile device, at any time, in the changing areas.
- Report any concerns you have about someone taking photographs or footage of others in the changing areas.
- Report any incidents of bullying or unacceptable behaviour to the welfare officer, even if you’re just a witness.
Breaches of this Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action being taken against you by the club committee and any behaviour which may be a criminal offence will be reported to Police and any other relevant authority, by the club.
The copy of this Code in the Welcome Pack or by downloading from the image below, will require to be signed by the Athlete and their Parent/Guardian, dated and returned to the RADS desk by the First Session